Cookie guidelines - Fifty Heights

Last updated: May 2022

This policy applies to the global organization of Sodexo companies (hereinafter referred to as “Sodexo,” “we” or “us”) across all segments and activities and in all regions in which we operate. If local legislation for personal data, including data collected via cookies, requires a higher level of protection than this Policy, the local legislation shall always prevail.

Sodexo is the data controller that collects and processes the personal data provided by you on our various websites, portals, applications and platforms (hereinafter referred to as “our Sites”).

Our Cookie Policy is designed to show you how we respect the privacy of all visitors and users of our sites.

If you have any questions about the general processing of your personal data on our website, please refer to our privacy policy. You can also send an e-mail to the following Send email address:


Responsible      Natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria for its designation may be determined by Union or Member State law.

Cookies    See definition in section 1.

Our site      The Sodexo website, portal, application or platform you use.

Personal data     Information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more particular characteristics.

Processor     natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body processing personal data on behalf of the controller.

“we” or “our    The Sodexo company acting as the responsible party

“You”    Users/ visitors of the site


Cookies are small files that are downloaded to your device with the purpose of recognizing your device or storing information about your preferences or past actions when you access our website. They are used to help you navigate our sites efficiently and to use certain features.

Other tracking technologies, such as pixel tags or web beacons, may also be used on your device to collect associated unique identifiers and other data, such as your IP address. Pixel tags or web beacons are small images that are placed on a web page or in an email. A web beacon acts as a tag that records a user’s visit to a particular web page or viewing of a particular email.

Some tracking technologies are specific to mobile applications, such as software development kits (SDKs). SDKs are tool packages used to make our apps work in an iOS or Android environment. SDKs help us understand how you interact with our website and collect certain information about the device and network you use to access it. They also help our applications communicate with third parties through what is called an application programming interface (API). This happens, for example, when you share content on Facebook. SDKs can collect data and send it back to the third party that provides the interface (for example, Google, Apple, or Facebook, etc.). This data can be used to create a profile of you as an application user, which in turn can be used for targeted ads.

These tracking technologies use data in the same way as cookies, are also referred to as cookies for consistency of terminology, and are subject to this Policy.


We use the following types of cookies:

  • Session cookies: A session cookie stores information that associates online activity with a single browser session. The session cookie is usually deleted again when the browser is closed. Session cookies are not affected by the opt-in rule in most cases.
  • Permanent cookies: These cookies remain stored on your terminal device until a pre-defined expiration date is reached. They may be used for a variety of purposes, for example, they may be used to remember your preferences and settings when you use our website or to create targeted advertisements.
  • First party cookies: First party cookies usually originate from the website operator whose site you are visiting. They are stored locally on your device and are designed to enhance the online experience.
  • Third party cookies are set by a technology provider independent of us, such as an analytics company, an advertising network, or a social media platform.

The cookies and technologies used on our website are categorized as follows:

  • Necessary cookies
  • Function cookies
  • Analytics cookies
  • Targeting cookies



Necessary cookies are cookies that are absolutely necessary for the basic functions of the website to work properly.

They are usually set in response to actions you take, such as based on your privacy settings, logging in, or filling out forms (for example, to register for events, make requests, or provide feedback). They also ensure that your online session is kept open if you have previously identified yourself on the site.

Your consent is not required for the use of these cookies in accordance with the applicable regulations.

You can manage your consent in the cookie settings and find more information about the cookies used on our website (by us or by third parties, if applicable), the duration of data storage and the purpose of storage in sections 4 and 5 of this policy.


Functionality cookies help our website remember settings you have selected or assist you in using our pages.

These cookies improve the functionality of the website and support personalization. They may be set by us or by third parties whose services we have added to our pages.

You can configure your browser or cookie settings to block these cookies.  However, please note that this may affect the functionality of some parts of our pages .

You can manage your consent in the cookie settings and find more information about the cookies used on our website (by us or by third parties, if applicable), the duration of data storage and the purpose of storage in sections 4 and 5 of this policy.


Analytics cookies, or audience measurement cookies, help us with the performance and design of our website. We use them to determine how often a page has been visited, which pages are most popular, and how visitors move around the site.

This feature allows us to measure how many times a page has been visited, know which pages are most popular and which are least popular, and see how visitors move around the site. The purpose of this measurement is to improve the browsing experience on our website by offering content of interest to the user.
These cookies may also count visitors who have come to our website after seeing a Sodexo banner ad on a third-party website.
If you do not accept these cookies or withdraw your consent, we will not have any supporting information to improve our sites or determine how well it is received by our end users. These cookies essentially allow you to tell us how well our website is working.

The information collected by these cookies may also be aggregated.
The metrics of our site analytics, reports and statistics, when used alone, do not enable us or our vendors to identify any individual user. In this case, the cookie may not be subject to your consent.

You can manage your consent in the cookie settings and find more information about the cookies used on our website (by us or by third parties, if applicable), the duration of data storage and the purpose of storage in sections 4 and 5 of this policy.


Targeting and/or “advertising” cookies are installed by us and our advertising partners on our sites to present advertisements that are relevant to you and better reflect your interests than general advertisements that may not interest you.

These cookies may include cookies from social networks that allow you to share content on social networks and improve the user experience of our content with share buttons, in particular this applies to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. The social networks that provide sharing buttons can identify you through this process only if your account with the corresponding network has been activated on your terminal device. Sodexo has no control over the process used by social networks to collect information about you.

Targeting cookies uniquely identify your browser and/or device. If you do not allow these cookies, you will not experience any of our targeted advertising on the various platforms. However, you may continue to see other, non-targeted advertising from us on these platforms.

These cookies collect information about the origin of your visit, where you were shown Sodexo advertisements, what advertising feature you saw, whether you arrived at our website directly or indirectly, what device you used to visit our website, and what downloads you made.

In addition, in certain parts of our website, we also use cookies that communicate with third-party providers to obtain information about your digital behavior. 

This will help us target advertising in the future.

You can manage your consent in the cookie settings and find more information about the cookies used on our website (by us or by third parties, if applicable), the duration of data storage and the purpose of storage in sections 4 and 5 of this policy.


The use of some of these cookies may result in international transfers of your personal data to third parties located in third countries that do not offer the same level of protection for personal data as the European Union, in particular the United States of America. Formal data processing contracts have been concluded with these third parties, but they are not considered by supervisory authorities to provide adequate safeguards under Article 46 of the GDPR.

The risks associated with these international transfers of personal data are that the third parties in question may be classified as providers of electronic communications services and local administrative and governmental authorities may have access to your personal data in accordance with applicable national surveillance laws.

However, under the General Data Protection Regulation, these types of international transfers of personal data are possible if you expressly consent to the proposed transfer after being informed of the potential risks of such transfers and the absence of an adequacy decision or other appropriate safeguards.

Therefore, if you give your consent to cookies via the cookie banner or cookie settings, you should be aware that you also consent to international transfers and accept the risks described above. If you refuse consent to these cookies, this will not affect your other use of the website.

You can manage your consent to cookies in the cookie settings.

See the description of each cookie category, cookie settings and sections 4 and 5 of this policy for more information about cookies, storage period, processing purposes and security measures.


Session cookies are automatically deleted when you close your session.

Persistent cookies are stored on your device for a maximum period of 13 months, unless you delete the cookies via your browser settings or browser cache.

For more information about the duration of each cookie used on our website, see the cookie settings.


When you visit our website for the first time, you will see a banner asking for your consent to use cookies.

As long as you have not set your preferences, this banner will remain visible in accordance with the current regulations and no cookies, except for the absolutely necessary ones, will be installed on your device.

If you refuse cookies, an opt-out cookie will be placed on your device so that we can record the information that you have objected to the use of cookies. Every six (6) months we will ask you  to confirm your decision by displaying the cookie banner again.

If you delete the opt-out cookie (for example, by clearing your browser cache or using privacy mode), it is no longer possible to identify your objection. Consequently, the cookie banner will be displayed again the next time you visit our site.

Necessary cookies do not require consent.

For functional, analytics and targeting cookies, you can give or withdraw your consent at any time by:

  • Use the cookie settings available on the banner or on our website. These provide in the details all the information about the purpose of the cookies that can be installed on your device. You can make a choice for each category .
  • Set up your device or browser settings to accept or reject cookies.

However, please note that you will not be able to fully use some of the features of our website if you disable cookies. For example, you cannot benefit from automatic login and other personalization features.
Please also note that you have to set up all browsers of your different end devices (tablets, smartphones, computers) individually to always reject cookies. There are several ways to configure browsers. Please refer to the “Help” section of your browser to learn how to configure it and exercise your options:

  • Using Google Chrome TM;
  • Using Mozilla Firefox TM;
  • Using Microsoft Edge TM;
  • Use of Opera TM;
  • Using Internet Explorer TM;
  • Using Apple Safari TM

You also have the option to disable the following cookies for reach measurement:

  • You can disable “Google Analytics” cookies by downloading the module accessible at the following address:
  • You can disable LinkedIn’s Insight Tag by changing your user settings on LinkedIn:

With respect to cookies from social networks, please consult the relevant provider’s policies to learn more about the purposes for which they use the information collected through the share buttons and how you can set your preferences.


We may change this cookie policy as needed.

Please note that this policy will likely change with the future enactment of a new applicable regulation or law. This applies in particular in the European Union to the e-Privacy Regulation. When changes are made to the policy, it may take up to 30 business days for new privacy practices to be implemented. Check this page regularly if you want to monitor changes. Changes to this policy may also cause the cookie banner to be displayed again.


If you have any questions or feel that your concerns have not been adequately addressed in this Cookie Policy, please contact your Privacy Contact at the following email address:
If you have any questions or think your concerns have not been addressed in this Cookie Policy, please contact the local privacy team by email at or send us your privacy-related inquiry or concern using the online inquiry form: Inquiry Form.
For more information about your privacy rights, please see the Privacy Policy.